Practical Solutions to Build Income Equality
Since 2014, The Fair Pay Project has been building salary equity from the ground up. Founded as an all-volunteer organization by author Katherine Lippa and gaining its 501(c)(3) status in 2015, the organization assists participants in taking control of their own economic security. Standing on the foundational belief that, when given the skills, individuals can astound themselves and others with their self-reliance, the Fair Pay Project focuses on practical solutions to bridge the gap to fair wages. We’re committed to bringing our offerings to individuals across all demographics, with no discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion or political affiliation. Our aim is to create a more robust economy for all.

Maximize Economic Engagement
Increasing pay equity in the labor force is more than a personal or family issue. It’s also necessary for a strong economy. For most Americans, wages have barely budged in decades. Despite few variations, today’s real average wage has practically the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. Even when there is a strong labor market, wage growth falls below the expectations of economists. Causing even more social inequity, what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers. And if there’s one thing those top-tier workers know, it’s how to negotiate.

Build a Fair World
The flagship program of the Fair Pay Project is SalarySense, which focuses on learning how to negotiate for oneself. It may seem counterintuitive to offer salary negotiation skills training without charging money for it, but the Fair Pay Project understands that many of the people seeking our help aren’t able to pay the type of fees that negotiation training generally commands. That’s why donations from those who can afford it mean so much. There are multiple ways to give. See our Contribute page for more information.